So close...
But horrified to discover not everything is getting backed up.
Using an exif extension on iPhone, I see that the images in camera roll getting ignored don't conform to IMG_dddd.{jpg|png|gif|dng|mov}
For instance, IMG_dddd_polarr.jpg [images save-copied by the Polarr app]
or _FXDDDDDDD.jpg image saved from email, or {UUID}.jpg images saved from tweetbot
WTH? Save _everything in camera roll_. period. Everything
What's going on?
I don't use any iCloud, so that's not it. This is on 12.1.4 with iPhoneSE, so no HEIC
Deleting the .photobackup file on the server does not fix this
Please fix! The app is otherwise fantastic.
Willing to do TestFlight tests if this helps.
[and requiring users to create an account in order to report a bug is bad form, you are increasing the burden on those who would otherwise try to help you -- create account, verify email, blahblahblah - who is the customer here anyway?]