Hi All,
We use ver1.7 on Windows 10, through command line as a scheduled task.
We're finding occassionally that when Acrosync crashes with the following message it starts to build a massive .txt file whilst piping stdout output to it.
The task has finished it task manager, no CMD window open, but the Acrosync process repeatedly keeps writing the following message at the bottom to the .txt file until we kill the process running in Windows Resource Monitor, where you can see Acrosync still running.
.txt file sizes are in the gigabytes in size, one was 7gb until we killed the process. I've tried piping 1>> to one file and 2>> to another, but both error and non-error messages come through stdout and not seperately in stderr.
Any help to filter out or seperate the error messages would be helpful. We tried using | findstr **** >> .txt but doesn't seem to work with the Acrosync output.
Thanks in advance.
ERROR 03/02/21 20:52:01 RSYNC_SOCKET Error reading from socket: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host