Initating rSync Backup from NetGear ReadyNAS (Destination) to Windows Acrosync (Source)

About to try this out for the first time...

I want my NetGear ReadyNAS to initiate the rsync process and "pull" the data off my windows machine, rather than the windows machine pushing the data to the NAS.   The NAS is my centralized scheduled backup server.

If I run Acrosync as a service with windows admin privileges will Acrosync:
  1. Respond to the request from the NAS to start the sync process?
  2. Will Acrosync use Volume Shadow Copy so it can send to the NAS all files, including those locked?
This is on Windows 10 1803 (yeah yeah I need to upgrade... long story :-) )

Thanks for your help


  • I'm an acrosync newbie but experienced otherwise.  I may have some answers for you.  
    I suspect that the Acrosync client can't be used as a server.  You can try telnetting to that machine on the rsync port (open the port in your firewall first) to see if it will respond.  Otherwise, the FAQ has a line about installing an rsync server, involving cygwin and openssh first.  The rsync app may come from somewhere else.  I've done this in the past; it takes a lttle work, but has performed well.

    Acrosync has a check box for Volume Shadow Copy; I haven't played with it.  There has been enough other flakiness getting my backups running reliably; VSC will have to wait.

  • The sync can't be started from the NAS.  It has to be started by Acrosync (either on file changes or by scheduled times).

    And Acrosync doesn't support Volume Shadow Copy, but you'll need to run Acrosync as administrator and then check the Volume Shadow Copy checkbox.
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