I have been testing Acrosync for few days because I'm planing to implant at one client who have about 10-15 Windows 7 workstations (future backup clients).
The software fill the requeriments we need, it's a beta version but is a nice piece of software (awesome incremental backups :))), just want to buy some licenses.
There's one error (don't now were it comes from (Windows or Acrosync)) but it don't let me sync "Users" directory with my rsync server. Hope you can help me.
When acrosync start "the indexing"
that message appears and the backup does no hapens:
The system language is Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR). "A operação foi concluída com êxito" means "The operation was sucessfull completed".
The error appears when I try it with /Users/Edgar too. Have been reading about the error (Microsoft talks much about it but actually says absolutelly nothing) and I make me think it's something with "reparse points".
The backup goes well on other folders like /Users/Edgar/Desktop or /Users/Edgar/Downloads.
The scenario:
Test machine: Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit (ntfs)
Server: Debian 7.6 32 bit (ext4)
Acrosync over SSH (works very well, btw)
Have the same error on a Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise machine.
Sorry for may bad english, it is a second language.
here's the configuration on acrosync when the error happens:
Again.. hope you can help me with that.
Works nicely here with "C:/Users" directory!