The Acrosync service can only run the sync at the schedule times. It doesn't monitor the directory and run the sync on file changes.
For the service to work, however, you need to exit the Acrosync instance by right clicking the Acrosync icon in the system tray icon and selecting Quit.
I quit the instance from the system tray and acrosync seemed to stop completely (go no emails about backing up.) I did verify that the service was running.
Rebooted at 9am and now it's sending emails again, even though it set to sync at 8PM.
Is the configuration process different for the service than it is for the instance in the application tray? In other words when I rClick on the system tray icon and click Open, are the profiles that I set up there the ones that the service is looking at? Or do I need to configyre the profiles differently for the service and the program?
You need to run Acrosync as administrator to set/change the settings for the service. Once you're done with settings, close the instance from the system tray otherwise the service will remain in the paused state.