Run via command line none log file created

1. If you run a specific profile via command line, like this one:
start /d "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Acrosync" AcrosyncClient64.exe -p profilename

There's none log file created in the specified path like configured in the GUI.

The log file must be created independent if the profile is run via command line or GUI. If the profile is run via GUI the logfile is created.

2. Why are Unicode characters like äöü are incorrectly shown in the log file?
2018/05/14 18:30:44 RSYNC_UPLOAD [Dry run] Desktop/Hällo2/new3/sub2/ß.txt to be uploaded
2018/05/14 18:30:44 RSYNC_UPLOAD [Dry run] Desktop/Hällo2/new3/sub2/ä.txt to be uploaded
2018/05/14 18:30:44 RSYNC_UPLOAD [Dry run] Desktop/Hällo2/new3/sub2/ö.txt to be uploaded
2018/05/14 18:30:44 RSYNC_UPLOAD [Dry run] Desktop/Hällo2/new3/sub2/ü.txt to be uploaded

3. Is the following log message normal behavior? For me it seems more like a error because the shown file exists in the source and destination folder so it shouldn't be modified in any way.
2018/05/14 18:34:31 RSYN_DELETE [Dry run] web/assets/fonts/fontawesome/@eaDir/fontawesome-webfont.woff@SynoEAStream to be deleted

4. Where does Acrosync store it's profiles?


  • 1.  When Acrosync runs in the command line mode, all output will go to stdout, and the file logging option has no effect.

    2.  This is a bug caused by double-encoding.  It will be fixed in the next update.

    3.  I couldn't reproduce this one.

    4. Acrosync stores all profiles under HKCU\Software\Acrosync\AcrosyncClient.  If you installed Acrosync for all users then they are stored under HKLM\Software\Acrosync\AcrosyncClient
  • Thanks for your clear and fast response.

    I was looking for a changelog if you already released any update but couldn't find one - don't you provide a changelog of your application? That would be bad...
  • edited May 2018
     This is the thread that keeps all the change logs for the current 1.6 version:

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