Error: Cannot create a file when that file already exists

Hi there

I'm currently trailing this application as I'm keen to use it to back up my webserver. It all worked well for the initial download, but on the second run it got about 1/4 of the way through then stopped with an error "cannot create a file when that file already exists", then stopped.  Each time it runs, it goes until it hits this same file and then stops.

I checked the "don't stop profile when a connection error occurs" button but it doesn't seem to ignore errors like this one.

I'm running Windows 7, and running the app as administrator.

Any ideas?



  • Is that the exact error message?  I couldn't find it in the source code.
  • Yep - that's the exact wording, followed by the filename of the file it's breaking on.  I did a bit of Googling and it looks like it's a Windows error so maybe Acrosync is just repeating that?
  • Do you have "Create incremental snapshots" enabled?
  • Do you happen to have another file with the same name but with different capitalization?  If not, can you check if the local directory for that file has been created?
  • Aha yes! That's it... there were two files, one with a capitalized first letter.  Interesting one..
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