Test of Acrosync = socket closures = freeNAS server not available on network

edited October 2015 in Acrosync for Windows

I've been wanting to use an Rsync client to back up my editing PC to a freeNAS server. I ran across Acrosync tonight and gave it a go. Unfortunately, the first (and subsequent) run resulted in "socket was closed unexpectedly" error. Verbose logging results equals the following output x4:

2015/10/23 00:35:06 RSYNC_COMMAND rsync command: rsync --server --modify-window=2 --sender --out-format=%n --links -tude. . edit1BU/
2015/10/23 00:35:07 RSYNC_PATTERN Add pattern: - /.acrosync/
2015/10/23 00:35:07 RSYNC_START Creating a remote snapshot from E:/ to edit1BU/2015-1023-00
2015/10/23 00:35:07 RSYNC_COMMAND rsync command: rsync --server --modify-window=2 --out-format=%n --links --recursive --delete-during --inplace -tude. . edit1BU/2015-1023-00
2015/10/23 00:35:07 RSYNC_PATTERN Add pattern: - /.acrosync/
2015/10/23 00:35:08 RSYNC_SOCKET Socket was closed unexpectedly

Also troubling...I can no longer see the freeNAS server in my network list. I can access it through the web UI and although I can't find any permission or CIFS changes, I haven't been able to connect to the server shares from the PC.

*I should include that the connection was configured with SSH "unchecked" (port 873) and was "upload" only.


  • Can you try connecting by SSH (check the 'over SSH' option)?
  • This has been an experience, to say the least.

    After trying numerous tricks, a DNS flush allowed me to see the freeNAS server again (from the PC). I've checked all the permissions and shares and everything is as it should be. I created a profile/job to backup one of my editing drives (E) which contains a few job folders and files totaling 321 GB. Most of these files are .MOV, .wav, .mp4 files.

    The backup started and appeared to be running ok, but when finished it had only copied ~25% of the data. None of the .MOV files were copied, for example. The log file showed numerous, "RSYNC_INFO INFO: skipping non-regular file "path/file name.file type" reports.

    I will keep working with the app for another day or so, but really need to get this sorted as quick as I can.

  • That is because those .MOV files do not have FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE set, so Acrosync didn't pass the regular file mode to rsync.

    Can you run the 'attrib' command to see what attributes those files have?
  • edited October 2015
    All the files with an "N" attribute copy without any problem. Any file with an "I" attribute does not copy. I have no explanation why the files are showing indexed as I don't have indexing enabled on my working drives.

    Ok, now I'm confused. When I search for what the "N" attribute means, I see "non-indexed". However, I turned indexing on to see what would happen and the attribute changed from "I" to "N". I would rather not have indexing enabled on my working drives as the contents change frequently, but I guess I could try it for a while and see how it works.

    (another edit)

    hmm...now that I think about it, if I can only copy "N" attribute files (indexed), I won't be able to backup my 3 SSDs. Is there a way around this problem? If not, I won't be able to use Acrosync.
  • 'N' and 'I' both mean 'not indexed' -- this is so confusing!

    What matters here is not whether or not they have 'N' or 'I'.  If the file has 'A' then Acrosync will treat it as a regular file.  So if you can add 'A' to all the files using a command like 'attrib +N /S' then it should work.

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