using the x64 beta 0.92 version on Windows Server 2012 R2.
What are the exact differences between the commercial and the personal license?
On purchase you'd get an e-mail with a license code?
I've read that the app was designed as a portable application. Would it be possible to store all settings inside a config file inside the app directory (by default) instead of the registry?
What happens to my license when I format my OS and install it from fresh?
It took me several minutes to find out that adding / deleting profiles can only be done via the tray icon instead of e.g. a context menu on the tab inside the main gui.
Maybe you can add that functionality there, too?
The app isn't fully unicode aware, right?
It is able to sync file names like "äößßß.txt" correctly but when it displays such a file in the tooltip over the tray icon, the file name is garbled.
Apart from that it works extremely well for a beta version...
In case I'll replace system components (MB + graphic card + a hard disk) what will happen then? I guess you're calculating the serial based on a hash of hardware components (like windows does) and if "enough" of them are changed / replaced the serial wouldn't fit to your computer any more.
What happens to the license if you use it on a laptop and it get's stolen?
I'm not asking to circumvent any license restrictions but to protect my software investments (especially because the license isn't bound to a user but a single device).
More feature suggestions:
Being able to execute the Acrosync client via a batch file with command line parameters (e.g. profile="D:\Acrosync\Temp_Backup.ini" "D:\Acrosync\Work_Backup.ini" log="D:\Acrosync\Logs\%DATE%.log). It shouldn't show the gui in that case but only the animated tray icon, execute both profiles, save the log to it's destination and quit afterwards). Would be much easier to do automatic backups.
Btw, are profile groups planned?
without over port 873 everything ist fine, but if try ssh and port 22. i get diffrent errorer messages.
I use hidrive
i tried also verification with ssh key file but did not work either.
any idears??
Love your tool because it is easy and simple..
I used the 0.93 win 32. Version and it works perfekt with ssh.
A dream come true.
A simpel Rsync gui, witch works perfektly.
(1) Attempted to download and run the beta trial version from the download link at https://acrosync.com/windows.html. ; Seems to install correctly, but attempting to actually run it produces a message from Win XP Media Edition 32 bit, no VSS) that seems to indicate it was installed at
c:/Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Local Settings\Application Data\Acrosync\AcrosyncClient32.exe
and that it is "not a valid Win32 application".
A little checking indicates that it is, in fact, there rather than in c:\Program Files\Acrosync as Windows conventions would dictate.
Is this a temporarily screwed-up installer or something more serious?
(2) The LICENSE.TXT version placed in that directory by the installer is zero-length and actual license terms don't seem to be on your site where I can find them. If this works, it will be primarily for individual non-commercial use, but I regularly use three different Windows machines in different locations (a Win7 Pro 64 one on which I'll try to install later today most often). I'm happy to pay for the commercial license to avoid any doubt if it would allow some flexibility for one user with multiple machines, but can't tell if that is the case. Is it, or are these strictly one client machine per license?