I don't know what happened but suddenly the restart of the profiles stopped working. The weird thing is that when I put the restart time when I start manually the profile it works correctly, but when I put it to stop the profile automatical…
I am trying to execute the service but it is imposible to me.
When I have installed the last version, 1.6.581, I have followed the steps that are in this thread. But no way. I show you the configuration I have:
Last night I left it with the key you told me and this morning I found it still running. So that key didn't work for me. This is the string value I had to create, because there was no "Restart time" in it.
OK, I have put the RestartTime in the AcrosyncClient key, with the value "8:00"
Is it possible to have various values in this registry value? For example, "8:00,20:50", just in case the day profile is still syncronizing something in the moment that …