Neither "ln -s /volume1" nor " ln -s /" worked.
However, resetting the root password did. To do so:
1. log in to Synology NAS using putty.exe
2. run "sudo synouser --setpw root [PASSWORD]" no quotes; two dashes before setpw; [PASSWORD] is replace…
I'm not sure what all this means:
login as: admin
admin@'s password:
admin@DiskStation:~$ pwd
admin@DiskStation:~$ ls -l
total 4
drwxrwxrwx 2 admin users 4096 Oct 13 2015 www
admin@DiskStation:~$ dir
total 20
AFAIK the permissions are OK.
Logging in as admin with the remote directory empty yields two directories:
1. 'sieve' which itself contains a temporary directory and a file called roundcube.sieve, and
2. 'www' which contains an assortment of web sit…